Important Disclaimers for AG Training&Nutrition,
This website’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. You are acknowledging that you are participating voluntarily in using AG Training&Nutrition advice and exercise programs and responsible for your results.
Asta Grybauskiene is not a medical doctor. The information I provide is based on my personal experience, studies. Any recommendation I may make about weight training, nutrition, supplements or lifestyle should be discussed between you and your doctor. You acknowledge that you take full responsibility for your health and well being.
Before starting any new diet and exercise program please check with your doctor. As with any exercise program, you assume certain risks to your health and safety. Any form of exercise program can cause injuries and AG Training& Nutrition is no exception.
AG Training&Nutrition do not provide refunds for services.
If you follow training and nutrition plan correctly you should see great results, however, individual results are not guaranteed and may vary. The health, fitness, and nutrition success depends on each individual’s background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any health-related program or service, your results may vary and will be based on many variables, including but not limited to, your individual capacity, life experience, unique health, genetic profile, starting point and level of commitment.
© AG Training & Nutrition 2025
Website by Eldo™